Types of Misdemeanors and Their Penalties

hands in handcuff behind backBeing arrested for a misdemeanor, while may not be as serious as other charges, can still come with heavy consequences. If a loved one is in jail for any reason, you probably want to get them out as quick as possible. The circumstance does not change, even with smaller charges. While the charges and penalties are smaller, you will still want to seek out bail bond assistance to avoid jail time.

What are the Penalties for Misdemeanors?

As you may already know, there are different levels, known as classes, of misdemeanor crimes.

Class A – These are the most serious types of misdemeanors. A conviction of a Class A is punishable with the most severe consequences. This can include up to $4,000 in penalties and up to one year in jail. Resisting arrest, a second DWI or assault with bodily injury are a few examples of this kind of crime.

Class B –  These are the second class and less severe than Class A. Class B are punishable with up to 180  days in jail and fines up to $2,000. A first DWI, criminal trespassing, and vandalism are just a few examples.

Class C – Class C are not punishable by jail time. A person can still be arrested for a class C crime and fines can be up to $500. Sometimes a judge may order community service time.

What Can Be Done

If your loved one has been arrested for misdemeanor crimes, you can seek out the help of a bail bond agency to get them out of jail. While the bond, fees and jail time might be less severe, it is always good to have the peace of mind that bonds can offer.  It is as simple as contacting the right bail bond agency and getting the process started. While you may not have the full amount required that is set by the judge for bond, you can still get your family member help. A bail bond agency will pay the bond while you put up collateral in the form of property. The fee you pay is only a portion of the actual bond.

Contact Us Today

At Freedom Bail Bonds we offer 24/7 help. If you have found yourself in an emergency situation, are bondsman can help you get your loved one out of jail. We know all too well emergencies never happen at a opportune hour.  Be sure to contact us for more information.

Quick Jail Release After Being Arrested

A happy free man (age 40) holds unlocked handcuffs in front of the camera. When you have a loved one in jail, the first thing you want to know is how to get them out of jail quickly. The last thing you want is your loved one to spend any amount of time behind bars. We all know that accidents and unforeseen incident happen at times. Going through a bail bond agency in El Paso for quick jail release is the best way to deal with this situation.

How Does Bail Work?

Bail is cash or a bond that a loved one gives the court on behalf of the arrested person to promise that this person will appear in court on the given date. Unfortunately, if the arrested person doesn’t show up to the given date, the court will keep the full amount of the bail and a warrant will go out for a second arrest. A judge is the one who sets the bail amount. This is usually based on the crime, a previous record and other standards as well. The courts are well aware that many people prefer a quick jail release so that their loved ones can get out as soon as possible. For this reason, many jails have a standard bail schedule. This gives a specific amount for certain crimes.

How Does a Bail Bond Work?

If a person does not have the full amount to pay the bail, they can turn to a bail bond agency. The agency will issue a bond for quick jail release. They usually keep a percentage that is paid for offering this service. The agency does assume a large risk. Because of this, they require those that are getting a bond on behalf of a loved one to use a piece of property as collateral. This is a further guarantee that the person in jail will show up to court.

Contact Us Today for Quick Jail Release

When you turn to Freedom Bail Bonds, you are turning to the experts. We actually offer 24/7 service, because we know that these types of emergencies never happen at a convenient hour. we also offer quick, reliable service with affordable fees. if your loved one has found themselves in a bad situation and needs a quick jail release be sure to contact us right away. Give us a call today. One of our friendly staff members will be happy to answer your questions or get you started on a bail bond.