How Judges Set Bail Amounts and the Changing Landscape of Cash Bail

Female judge with documents on table in office, closeup

If you or your loved ones have ever found themselves in a bit of a pickle— i.e facing arrest— you have likely wondered what the foreseeable future looks like for you. Will you have to wait in jail until your court date? Will you lose your job? Will your marriage fall apart? How will your kids be taken care of? All of these are real and legitimate questions faced by people who find themselves under arrest and unable to make bail. It leads to a lot of uncertainty and the rippling consequences have often torn families apart or ruined people’s lives. 

Freedom Bail Bonds assists people in similar situations and helps them fulfill their constitutional right to secure their release until they get their day in court. Embroiled within the many conversations of cash bail is the less-often-discussed way that bail amounts are actually set. There are predetermined amounts based on the crime, but judges also look at several factors and then come up with the final amount. Let’s take a look at that process and other changing aspects of the bail system. 

The Role of the Bail Bondsman in Texas

Let’s quickly review the role of the bail bondsman in Texas. After someone is accused of a crime, they should go through a bail hearing. At this point, the judge will set a bail amount based on certain factors. Generally speaking, the bail is set based on the crime itself, circumstances surrounding the crime, and criminal history. 

The Process of Bail Amounts More Closely 

After a defendant is arrested, they must appear at a bail hearing or arraignment. This is where they will come before the judge and their bail amount will be set. Judges set bail based on what is called the bail schedule. The amount can be lowered or raised, however, based on special circumstances surrounding the specific case. The bail schedule refers to the list that will set the amount based on a predetermined list of crimes.

The amount is based on the nature of the crime but the judge does have some discretion in regards to lowering the amount. These bail schedules can change from county to county and from state to state. Part of the judge’s duty is to set bail charges for bailable felony offenses, misdemeanors, and other infractions. For minor misdemeanors, for example, bail might usually be around $500. A judge can choose to raise this amount based on the specifics of the particular case. 

Factors that Determine the Cost of Bail 

So what leads a judge to determine whether you pay the price on the schedule? You might end up with a bail of 100,000 dollars. Does this mean that your crime was something like murder? Not necessarily. It could simply mean that the judge deemed this necessary based on the crime at hand. So here’s what might affect your bail amount:

  • The amount of evidence. The amount of evidence first presented will have an impact on the judge’s view of the case and of how they set bail. 
  • Criminal History. If the accused is known to have a well-documented criminal history, the judge might decide to hike up the bail amount. The reasoning behind this is that with harsher crimes and longer criminal records, it is in the judge’s interest to watch out for the community and be very careful as to who he is re
  • The Risk to the Town and City. As mentioned above, if the judge will consider public safety as a major factor. If the defendant is facing a violent crime, domestic abuse, murder, or something to that effect, the judge may foresee that this may be a danger to the surrounding community and therefore raise the bail amount. 
  • The possibility of flight risk. The whole idea behind bail is to allow people to await their day in court without waiting behind bars. If a person is a flight risk or if there are any indicators that they might be, the judge might also raise the bail. If the judge suspects—based on evidence or a history of skipping bail—it might be reason enough to alter the bail amount. 
  • The seriousness of the offense. One of the most common ways that bail is set is simply through the seriousness or the level of the offense. The more serious the crime, the larger that bail amount will be. 

Once the bail is set, bail will be posted on their behalf. Defendants can either post bail personally, through someone else, or have a bail bondsman contribute the cash. In the last couple of years, lawmakers have been trying to make changes to the bail system, which has opened up the conversation about how bail is set and whether the current system should stay.  Some cities in the state of Texas are playing with the possibility of moving away from cash-based bail to pretrial jail release decisions that might allow low-risk level defendants to be released with no-cost bonds. 

Do you know someone that has been arrested in El Paso? Have questions about the bail process and what their options are? Give Freedom Bail Bonds a call. 


Overview of the Bail System: How it Works and How It Can Help You

Lawyer going over contract to discuss the conditions of bail in defense of the arrested client.

The industry has seen its fair share of criticism lately. In fact, the bail system is seeing reform all over the country. We’ve written about some of these reforms in past blogs. At the same time, many people misunderstand the bail system and why it’s there and who it actually serves to protect. The fact is that many times people find themselves in trouble with the law and turn around to find their lives suddenly coming to a halt. The bail system is there to protect people from finding their lives devastated while waiting for their charges or cases to be resolved. It also acts as a kind of insurance for people to go to court. 

Let’s Cover Some Basic Ground

When a person gets arrested and/or charged for a crime or possible crime, they might be taken to jail. Before they can be committed or acquitted, however, they must go through the court system and their case must be heard in a court of law. This takes time. So in order to ensure that everybody gets the right guaranteed by the sixth amendment, they are guaranteed trial. So a person can either stay in jail until their trial comes up, or they can be released on the condition that they will return to court for the assigned court date. Remaining in jail for a couple of months is not only a nuisance to most people, but it is also a completely life-altering event. That is because it means a person will likely lose their job, might be unable to pay bills, take care of family, look out for their kids, loved ones, pets, etc. For the average person, this is simply unthinkable to simply be ripped out of your everyday life and expect things not to fall apart. The issue at hand is that if the justice system deems the person innocent, they have already lost months of their lives, their livelihood, and many times their reputation and loved ones. As a bail bondsman, we help people that cannot afford bail on their own. 

Helping The Defendant and the Court System

Our job is somewhere in the middle. If people were to sum up our jobs, we are a kind of insurance. We are a loan. And we make sure that people show up to court. When there is a bail that is of high amounts, most people cannot afford that. So we front the money for the agreement that they will show up to court when need be. If they do not, we help find the defendant and ensure that they show up to court. 

The court itself makes its assessments about who is a flight risk or not. That is really up to the judge. We are not connected to the courts in any way, per se, but we are a third party that helps defendants keep their lives together as they await their court date and also puts pressure on them to return to court when they need to show up. 

The Judge’s Considerations for Bail

The bail bondsman does not set the bail amount. It is the judge that sets this amount and decides what the defendant needs to pay depending on certain factors. These include:

  • Whether the defendant is a flight risk
  • Whether they are a possible danger to the public. 
  • The judge will consider the evidence and charges. 

Interesting Facts about Bail That You May Not Know

Even though bail bondsmen are often portrayed as the bad guy, we are really only a kind of middleman that takes responsibility for a defendant to show up to their court hearings. In this sense, we will help the justice system move along. Here are a couple of interesting facts to note about what we do here:

  • The state regulates Bond fees. The fees that come with the bonds are regulated and imposed by the state. 
  • A bail bond is a type of loan. We provide a type of loan to people that cannot afford the bail amount that the judge requires. Otherwise, defendants may have to remain in prison until their court hearing. 
  • Showing up is not always the end. Some defendants may have more special restrictions set for their bail. These may include signing up for a drug rehab program, remaining within state lines, etc. This all in addition to showing up for court. 
  • Bail bonds often accept collateral. And that collateral can come in different shapes and sizes. For people that can’t afford to take out a bail bond, there are options available in terms of collateral. This might include a vehicle, jewelry, etc. This helps secure your loan and allows you to pay your bail in order to get out of jail.

Go to a Trusted Bail Bondsman in El Paso

Freedom Bail Bonds has been providing people with bail for many years now. If you’re loved one has been arrested and is facing a bail amount, give us a call today and see how we can help you. Don’t let your life come apart before you see your day in court. 

How Bail Bonds Work in El Paso

someone in jail gripping the barsNo one wants to spend time in jail, especially during the holiday season. If you or a loved one is in police custody, and you’ve been charged with an offense, then you don’t have to feel as if all your options have been extinguished. You have the ability of posting bail in order to get out of jail. The bail amount is determined by the judge. He or she will base the amount on a handful of factors, such as the crime’s severity or the probability of the defendant, committing other crimes upon release.

Basically, by posting bail, you would be able to get out of jail and live your life as you would normally. You will still be required to appear on your designated court date, however. Bail can range from low amounts to high amounts of thousands or even millions. But in most drunk driving cases, for instance, bail can range from $500 to $1,000 if it’s a misdemeanor offense or upwards of $50,000 for felony drunk driving. 

Helping You Post Bail

Posting bail may seem impossible, especially if it’s an amount you can’t simply procure, but this is where bail bond companies come into play. If you’re in the El Paso area and you need help posting bail, then Freedom Bail Bonds can help.

Now, you may be asking yourself how exactly do bail bond companies work? In general, bail amounts are simply too high by most people’s standards. A bail bond company, however, can basically post bail on your behalf so you’ll be able to walk free from jail. The way this works is quite simple. Bail bond companies charge a nonrefundable fee of 10 or 20 perfect the bail amount. So, let’s say your bail was set at $1,000 and the bail bond company you choose charges a 20% fee, you will only have to pay $200 out of your own pocket while the bail bond company pays the rest of the bail on your behalf. But that’s not the end of the story.

Now this second part is where it gets a bit tricky. After you pay your percentage, you’ll be required to sign a surety bond which basically makes you liable for the full bail amount if you fail to appear in court for your appointed court date. This is basically the collateral required for the bail bond company to do its part in helping you to get out of jail. So, as long as you appear on your appointed court date, you’ll have nothing to worry about in terms of bail. Sure, there’s still the whole issue about your alleged offense and the potential sentence you may or may not face, but that’s all further down the road. Our main goal is to get you out of jail upon your arrest.

If you’re spending time in jail, maybe a week or two, for driving under the influence and it’s your first offense, then the legal ramifications might be much more lenient than if this were a felony DUI charge. But those are the details you’ll go over with your lawyer at a future date. Freedom Bail Bonds is focused on helping you get out of jail so you’ll be able to live your life with your family, not in jail. 

Many people get pulled over for drunk driving, especially during the holiday season. New Year’s Eve is unabashedly known for its copious amounts of drinking. It’s also a night for celebration which means there are countless parties taking place all across the city. If you were invited to three parties and you had a few drinks at the first one, you might get pulled over while on your way to the next party. Or you might find yourself driving the same road where a DUI checkpoint is taking place. 

Freedom Bail Bonds is Ready to Help

Whatever your situation may be, it’s necessary for you to have the knowledge that Freedom Bail Bonds will be there to lend a helping hand. Paying whatever amount of bail out of your own pocket may not seem feasible but paying a small percentage for the same outcome is very much doable. If you or a loved one requires bail assistance, we can help. Contact Freedom Bail Bonds today. Or simply save our number in your phone book so you’ll be prepared if the moment ever arises.