What Can Impede a Quick Jail Release After an Arrest?

an empty jail cell signifying quick jail releaseIt’s everyone’s worst nightmare: you are arrested and find yourself facing the prospect of spending the night in jail. There are many reasons you may get arrested, from simple misdemeanor or bench warrants to more serious crimes. After your arrest, there is a process that is followed which can arrange for you to get quick jail release: posting bail. However, there could be a number of things that can actually prevent you from either qualifying for quick jail release or from being able to post bail. At Freedom Bail Bonds, we’re here to give you a little more information on these processes.

How Do I Post Bail?

When you are initially arrested, you are read your rights, processed through the police system, and given a phone call. The best use of this phone call is to your family, your lawyer, or a close trusted friend. Depending on your crime, there are two ways you will be able to post bond:

  • For most common and minor crimes, there is a list of pre-set bail amounts. This makes the process simple, since all you have to do is find a bail bondsman, pay the amount, and get out of jail. Quick jail release is pretty standard and simple in those cases.
  • For more serious crimes, you will have to be put in front of a judge. Unfortunately, in these cases it can take some time for you to be able to see one. In fact, there are cases where the police may even decide to arrest you on a Friday, therefore impeding your ability to see a judge until the following Monday. In these cases, the term “quick jail release” should be viewed in terms of days instead of hours.

How is Bail Decided?

As we mentioned, for more common crimes, there is a set bail amount that you can usually pay and get a quick jail release. For more serious crimes, a judge will decide what a fair amount for bail is. For serious drug crimes, murder, and other violent crimes where flight is a very real possibility, the judge will be within their rights to set a high bail amount.

In What Circumstances Can Bail be Denied?

In the cases of serious crimes, the judge can decide that bail can be denied. This is usually the case if the crime in question is murder, violent assaults, and other similar crimes. In cases the accused is deemed a continuing danger to the community or an especially determined flight risk, bail is also usually denied.

There are times that bail can be denied for different reasons, usually called “red flags”. These can include:

  • The suspect is not a US citizen, therefore a serious flight risk.
  • The suspect shows no regard or respect towards the court.
  • The judge is told by a credible source that the suspect will not show up to court if released.
  • The suspect has a history of missing court dates.
  • There is a confirmed mental impairment and there is no one to supervise the suspect if released.

Contact Freedom Bail Bonds for Quick Jail Release

Whether or not you fall into the categories above, you have every right to fight for quick jail release after you are arrested. Freedom Bail Bonds provides fair and reliable bail bonds in El Paso, and can help you get out of jail quickly. Let us help you post bond- contact us today!

3 Things To Do After Being Arrested

Close up of a man's hands in handcuffs after being arrested for a misdemeanorGetting arrested can be a terrifying thing no matter the circumstances. Often the arrest can happen in a whirlwind of events. This only makes the whole situation more uncomfortable and confusing.  Of course once you are sitting in a jail cell the first thought to enter your mind is usually “How do I get out of here?”. Well there are several things you should do after being arrested that can help get you released faster. One of these is getting bail bonds from a trusted source. In El Paso, Freedom Bail Bonds has helped many people get out of jail quicker and easier.

Get Info on Your Charge

First things first, you need to find out what you are being charged with. This makes big difference in how much bail money you might need, or if you will even be allowed to make bail. For example, having  misdemeanors charges gives a better chance of getting out of jail then a criminal charge. While these two charges might sound similar they are very different. For example misdemeanors usually have penalties and little to no jail time attached to it. Typically you find out what your charge is fairly easily. Either the officer in charge of your arrest will inform you, or a court attorney will tell you. By law, if you ask they have to get the info to you.

Contact A Relative

Once you know what your charge is, you need to contact a relative or someone you trust to come get you. This is where you should make us of the ‘one phone call’ you are allowed. If you have a criminal charge leveled against you, then it might be wise to get a lawyer right off. If you have misdemeanors charges against you, then advise your contact to get bail.  

Make Bail

Lastly, you will want to get bail bonds to get out of jail. Even if the fee or penalties is on the lower end, bail bonds offer security and peace of mind. When you find a good agency they can help you get your loved out of jail, even if you do not have the full amount required. They often have different options to pay, including putting up collateral.  

Contact Us Today

Ending up in jail is never a convenient thing. As most business close early in El Paso, getting help can be super difficult. This is why Freedom Bail Bonds is available to help you out 24/7. No matter the circumstance, we can help you get your loved one out of jail sooner. Visit us today to get the help you need.